About me

I’m a book lover, an English teacher, and an avid cyclist. I write mostly about books and reading with an occasional post about cycling thrown in, and now and then something more personal. I am a Book Riot contributor, and I publish reviews at sites such as Open Letters Monthly, Bookslut, Full Stop, Necessary Fiction, and others (a full list of reviews is available here). My reading tends toward contemporary literary fiction, classic novels, mysteries, personal essays, poetry, biographies and memoirs, and books about books and reading.

I occasionally accept books for review. If you are a publisher and would like to pitch a book, email me at ofbooksandbikes at gmail dot com.

13 responses to “About me

  1. um, reading while exercising on the treadmill or exercise bike? ๐Ÿ™‚



  2. That might work! But no, I have to do the two things separately. Sigh ๐Ÿ™‚


  3. Hayley

    One of my fondest memories of this year would have to be a 2hour bike ride around hampstead heath, north london, where I stopped more then once – planted myself on a bench and read a chapter or two from a book called the meaning of things.. a wonderful day.. and my recomendation for you in the combination of the two!!


  4. I visited here before but didn’t notice the note about cycling. I have recently taken up the sport as well thanks to my husband – books and bicycles. I’d agree they make a great pair…


  5. jfre6204

    i linked you on my new book blog and hope you can check it out! it’s just getting started and i am inspired by your book choices!
    thanks, jessica


  6. Book and bicycle? Not a bad combo. Haruki Murakumi has writing and running.


  7. I found your blog through Shelf Love’s ‘Bookish Dozen’ post from today. I’m an old hand in the book blogging world, but am new to cycling, so I look forward to reading your blog more! I currently have 2 bicycles with room for a few more… ๐Ÿ™‚


  8. There’s always more room for bicycles, right? Actually, we store ours in our living room… it’s a little tight ๐Ÿ™‚


  9. envirolibrarian

    I’m a cycling librarian, I bike to my job everyday at Nashville State Community College. I love riding my bike and reading and learning new things. I also ride for environmental reasons, but mostly it’s fun. Here’s my favorite quote: “My two favourite things in life are libraries and bicycles.
    They both move people forward without wasting anything. The perfect day: riding a bike to the library.”
    (Peter Golkin, Arlington Virginia) Which I do everyday!
    I also have a WordPress blog: “The Environmental Librarian: Green Sleeves”. Happy reading and riding!


  10. Shawntaye

    So, I decided to participate in this Liebster Award game and found your blog. I not only like what I’ve been reading but I also stole your Books Read tab. It seemed like a good idea to compile a list of books read on the blog. Anyway, read more about the Liebster Award here. http://bookmarksmarkbooks.wordpress.com/2013/11/07/liebster-award/ Have a great day, and I’m looking forward to reading more of your posts.


  11. I enjoyed reading your essay, 50 Must-Read Contemporary Memoirs by Writers of Color” on BookRiot. How do you manage to find the time and do you have a list on specific colored people, like 50 Must-Read . . . African American Writers?


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