Books I want to read NOW…

…except I don’t own them and don’t have much time to read them in. But if I did have the time and felt like going on a book-buying binge, I’d buy:

  • Heidi Julavits’s The Folded Clock. I loved this interview with Julavits on a new podcast called Lit Up, and her book sounds fascinating — a diary of sorts, with a unique structure.
  • Hanya Yanagihara’s A Little Life. Yanagihara appeared on the Lit Up podcast as well, and that conversation was great (the podcast is excellent so far — and run entirely by women. I love it). The truth is I own a copy of her first novel The People in the Trees that I need to read first, but ideally that would be followed by reading her second book in short order.
  • Maggie Nelson’s The Argonauts. Nelson is just the best. I’ve read two of her books so far (Bluets and Jane: A Murder). Both are amazing.
  • Helen Macdonald, H is for Hawk. I’ve read lots of grief memoirs (for no particular reason — probably just because I read a lot of memoirs and memoirs are often about grief), but this one sounds particularly good.
  • Elisa Albert’s After Birth. A novel about childbirth and motherhood? I’m in.
  • Patricia Park’s Re Jane: A Novel. This is a retelling of Jane Eyre set in Queens. Sounds like it could be fun.

Well, maybe this summer I’ll get to these…


Filed under Books

21 responses to “Books I want to read NOW…

  1. I have a copy of Re: Jane and am looking forward to it with cautious optimism. She wrote a great piece that was on Book Riot this week.

    As for A Little Life, I’m one of the few people out there who strongly disliked that book. I’ve been somewhat flummoxed by all the praise for it. There’s some tremendously good stuff in it, but it didn’t offset the book’s serious flaws. The People in the Trees, however, is brilliant. I loved that book.


    • I’ll be curious to see what you make of Re: Jane. I hope it’s good! I remember your thoughts on A Little Life, and they have made me even more curious about the book. I wonder how I will respond to it, and if I will feel as you did. But, The People in the Trees first!


  2. I just started reading The Folded Clock last night and so far it’s pretty awesome 🙂


  3. ramonawray

    Neat list. The Argonauts is on my list too 🙂 Have a good weekend!


  4. There is never enough time for reading, is there? Even without a family I never seem to manage all the things I want to do. I did load H is for Hawk onto my MP3 player as I had a few Audible credits I needed to use–I hope it is as good as it sounds! I think it is the author who is doing the reading. Hope all is well with you! (And that you do indeed get to read a few of these books very soon)!


  5. I’ve never heard of any of them but you mention twice the Lit Up podcast, I definitely need to check that one out! I’m crazy about podcasts.


  6. The People in The Trees is on my wish list. Hopefully I’ll get to it this year, maybe in audio from the library. Heard nothing but wonderful things about it.


  7. I was looking at The Folded Clock in a bookstore the other day, and it looks really pleasing. And oh, Maggie Nelson, yes, I’m excited to read The Argonauts – I’ve only read Bluets but I love it so much. I hadn’t heard of Re Jane, but it sounds good – another to add to my own endless list!


  8. I loved the Lit Up interview with Heidi Julavits too — thought provoking & hilarious in the best kind of way. But I can vouch for ‘After Birth’. My copy sprouted little sticky markers out of so many pages when I thought, yes, that! that’s how it felt, that’s how it was. Elisa Albert is so good at capturing the stripped-down rawness of new motherhood. Definitely recommended.


  9. H is for Hawk is smart and moving and brutally and beautifully raw. I hope you like it too. I have a copy of A Little Life waiting for me purchased mostly because of the strong and mixed reactions from other bookish types.


  10. I really like the sound of Re:Jane will check it out. I’m afraid I abandoned The People in the Trees. A bit too visceral for me!


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