Of Books, Bicycles, and Babies

So, as you might guess from the title of this post, I’m pregnant! I’ve made the announcement other places online, so it’s high time I visited this blog again to share the news here. Hobgoblin and I are thrilled to be welcoming a little one into the world in late January 2013 (approximately). This has been an odd and wonderful experience so far. It’s only last winter that Hobgoblin and I decided that we might want to have a child after years of not being very interested, and here I am, with a creature growing in my belly. It’s freaky to think about, really. I’ve seen the baby twice through ultrasound so far, and I can hardly believe it. I have to say, Muttboy, although he doesn’t know the full extent of the disaster about to strike his calm and orderly life, has already shown unhappiness with our decision to turn the house upside down to create room for a nursery. But we will do our best to make the transition smooth for him, and he’ll come to love the new baby too, I’m sure.

As for books and bikes, I’m still riding, although less frequently and far less intensely than I used to. I’m hoping to ride for the rest of the summer at least, even if I have to switch from my racing bike to my hybrid, which is more upright and therefore has more room for a growing belly. I get out when the weather is good and I’m not too tired, and the exercise is great. Needless to say, racing is now completely out of the question, something I can’t say I mind terribly much.

My reading is going well, as I have a good amount of time for it these days, and I’ve found some books I love, including Mark Doty’s Dog Years (amazing!), Dodie Smith’s I Capture the Castle, John Jeremiah Sullivan’s essay collection Pulphead,Β Edith Wharton’s The Reef, and others. I will try to come back soon and write about recent reading in more detail. To be honest, I’m not sure about the future of this blog; I’ve been very quiet lately, and with a new baby, it will be that much harder to find time and energy to post. But I don’t want to close things up entirely yet, so I’ll just see how things go. I have been reading your blogs with pleasure, and you can follow my reading on Goodreads if you are interested. Hope to be back soon!


Filed under Books

20 responses to “Of Books, Bicycles, and Babies

  1. Oh, congratulations! How exciting for you both!


  2. Emily Barton

    Who knew you would finally, one day figure out that the best way to avoid racing is to have a baby? :-)! Congratulations again. Now you have a new excuse to go into every book store you can find: I mean, you can’t have a nursery that doesn’t have at least one wall lined with books, can you?


  3. Congratulations, and happiness to your developing family!


  4. Congratulations on your great news! Expanding your family sounds like a wonderful way to kick off 2013!


  5. That’s really exciting for you and the Hobgoblin! Congrats to you both! I’ve been thinking about you and wondering what you were up to–I see your updates on Goodreads and it’s always nice to see you there and see what you’re reading (though I’ve been only a lurker of late as well–too hot to spend too much time on the computer). I do hope you stay online in some fashion, though you are going to be very busy soon! Enjoy the rest of your summer! πŸ™‚


  6. Such thrilling news! I am so happy for both of you. Please don’t give up on your blog, we’d miss you too much.

    Meanwhile, I also read I Capture the Castle this year and adored it. What a delightful book.


  7. Congratulations. The Bears send their love.


  8. Many congratulations! I couldn’t be more thrilled for the both of you. I think you’ll make a wonderful Mummy and Daddy.


  9. Marg — thank you! We are very excited.

    Emily B. — I’m afraid I’m not off the hook as far as racing goes. Hobgoblin pointed out to me the other day that the American woman who just won a gold medal in cycling had a baby two years ago. And she’s 38. So, I’m basically screwed as far as that goes. Oh, well! And yes, we definitely need a wall lined with books for the nursery, although we may need a bigger house first ….

    Bardiac — thank you very much!

    Steph — yes, it does, doesn’t it? The baby could well be born on my birthday, which would be an awesome birthday present!

    Danielle — thanks for thinking of me even though I’ve disappeared, as far as blogging goes! Goodreads is great for getting some updates, although I understand being a lurker there, especially when you keep your blog up so well. I always enjoy reading your posts, even if I don’t comment. I have no idea what having the baby will be like, so I can’t predict what I’ll do with my online presence, but I certainly won’t disappear entirely.

    Charlotte — thank you! I will try with the blog — who knows, maybe being busy with a baby will make me long for some grown-up book conversation. And yes, Dodie Smith was great.

    Eva — thank you!

    Alex — thanks, and much love in return!

    Litlove — thank you! We have been reading articles about parenting with great trepidation, since it seems like everything one does is wrong, including worrying too much about it. Ah, well, I guess we’ll have to trust our instincts and hope they guide us well!


  10. Congratulations, hope all goes well πŸ™‚


  11. Bookgazing — thank you very much!


  12. Congrats!!!! We are expecting as well and I am due around February 16th.


  13. Wow!! I belatedly join the crowd to congratulate both of you! That’s such a great news. Please don’t give up on the blog just yet. I found that blogging kept me sane and made me look forward to some more grownup entertainment when days were full of baby stuff.


  14. Amanda — congrats to you too!! I’ve been following your blog and so heard the news and have been meaning to come over to say hi and share the news. Yay us! πŸ™‚

    Smithereens — thanks! I’ll try not to give up the blog, although it may be complicated when I’m back to work full time. But it could very well be the thing that keeps me sane.


  15. Oh Rebecca! Congratulations! You and Hobgoblin will make such good parents and I’m sure baby will be biking almost as soon as s/he learns to walk πŸ˜‰


  16. Stefanie — thank you! We already have plans for how we are going to get him/her on a bike πŸ™‚


  17. Congratulations, Rebecca & Hobgoblin.
    Make sure, in that new nursery you devote a wall to books.


  18. When I am at the gym I work out in a room that overlooks a commons area and there is a couple who often will ride up on their bikes to come work out and they bring their toddler along–she sits strapped in on the front seat of her dad’s bike–complete with her own little helmet–they’re such a cute family–now I can imagine you and Hobgoblin doing the same! πŸ™‚


  19. Cipriano — we will do our best! Although the nursery is small and cramped. But we will certainly make sure this child is surrounded by books in one way or another!

    Danielle — that sounds like so much fun!


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